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LinkedIn Live Funnel

10x your live webinar attendees & lead Generation efforts with no ad spend
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With a comprehensive strategy, LinkedIn Live can become your brand's next B2B success story. ZeroTo1 has pioneered a formula that delivers winning results for sales and marketing teams and routinely sees 1000% growth in qualified lead generation.

Send targeted invites to your entire owned audience

Plan monthly pre-recorded and live webinars with 1000s of attendees hosted on LinkedIn and send up to 20,000+ invites per week to highly-qualified prospects.

Funnel qualified Leads into booked sales calls

Seamlessly generate hundreds of sales calls per month via a sequence with high-conversion LinkedIn messages and  cold emails.

Build A Short-form Content Engine  

Build a library of short-form content to drive organic growth across LinkedIn, IG Reels, and YouTube Shorts.

Own your entire active audience on LinkedIn in 12 months  

We send 8000+ targeted connection requests a month to active decision makers in your ICP and see a 30% response rate. All of the value on LinkedIn happens after someone becomes a 1st degree connection: They see your content, you can send them unlimited messages, and you can invite them to LinkedIn lives for free. Predictably grow an audience in your target ICP on LinkedIn each week without the guesswork or spending any money on ads.
We built this system internally and generated 330 leads and 79 discovery calls in April 2024 for ZeroTo1 with a small team of 3. LinkedIn Live is only channel that enables you to own your entire audience of active decision-makers in your ICP and nurture them with content, live engagement, and unlimited messages.

THE ZEROTO1 LinkedIn Live  Funnel is built for

SAAS Companies
B2B Sales Teams
Subject-Matter Experts
C-Suite Executives

5 REASONS to adopt the Zeroto1 LinkedIn Live Funnel

Build a massive owned audience of active decision makers in your ICP 
Gain an increased quality of webinar viewers & warmer leads
Yeild a higher response rates from cold emails and book more calls
Get to "yes" faster and increase pipeline velocity 
Save time & budget with no ad spend required on webinar promotion

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Ready to start scaling up? 




The Old Process

ClickUp hosted webinars on their own website for attendees to tune in. They utilized co-branded landing pages for event registration along with a promotion strategy comprising of brand emails, organic social, and paid ads for the event.
Results: 400 attendees across 7 co-hosted webinars
With only two weeks of promotion, ClickUp’s first LinkedIn Live that leveraged our LLF strategy generated 1310 attendees. Since then, ClickUp has signed on a 6-month agreement to build an owned audience across 5 of their marketing team members’ accounts, host bi-weekly LinkedIn Live events, max-out invites across all 5 accounts, and message/email all attendees post event.
ClickUp organized a LinkedIn Live event within 24 hours to support an ongoing webinar series. During the live session, 321 people marked themselves as attending, resulting in a 65% show rate. After the live event, there were 877 total views and 681 unique viewers. This success highlights the benefits of building an owned audience, hosting live content on LinkedIn, leveraging its notification system, and having the event remain accessible on LinkedIn for additional viewers for up to 3-4 weeks post-event.